Home > Light Elegance Products > Bonding and Finishing > LE Tack Bonding Agent 15ml $32.95 30ml $49.95

LE Tack Bonding Agent 15ml $32.95 30ml $49.95

LE Tack Bonding Agent 15ml $32.95  30ml $49.95 Product Photo

Light Elegance Tack (formerly Bonder) is used to increase adhesion to the natural nail and nail tips and now cures in both UV and LED lamps. Tack is an acid free product that acts like a primer for the nail. It has a great bonding power that also is able to hide lift-lines and can prime a glue-on tip without etching. Tack is a necessary item for full-sets and is recommended for fills on clients who have weak nails.

Available size: 15ml $32.95 30ml $49.95

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